10 Self-Coaching Questions to Reflect on Your Year

Before charging into the new year, it’s important to pause and reflect. Here are some questions to help get you on your path of self-discovery:

  1. What brought me the most joy this year – and why did it make me so happy?
  2. What was my biggest personal triumph – and why am I proud of it? 
  3. What was the bravest thing I did – and what did it teach me about myself? 
  4. What was my biggest mistake – and what did I learn from it? 
  5. What am I most grateful for – and who/what do I have to thank for it? 
  6. What challenges did I overcome?   –  and what did they teach me?
  7. What relationships brought me the most fulfillment?  – and who/what contributed to this feeling?
  8. What habits and routines served me well?  – and what benefits did I receive?
  9. How did I grow as a person?  – and what will I do to keep growing?
  10. What do I wish I had done differently?  – and what will I do about it now?

Take some time to write out your answers to these self-coaching questions.  

What has been revealed? How will you use these reflections to light your path for the coming year?

Bonus: Find a trusted friend, colleague or partner share the questions for them to reflect on, and then share your responses with each other. Verbally talking through your answers will provide a deeper layer of understanding for yourself and the person you are sharing with. 

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